Thrive Women's Ministry

THRIVE Women’s Ministry

THRIVE Women's Ministry exists to help women become rooted and built up in Christ, established in the faith, thrive in the abundant life available through Christ, and connect in community by providing Bible study, fellowship, and worship.

Connect with Women's Bible Study 

The THRIVE Women's Ministry Bible study meets throughout the year on Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:30 PM.

We plan to hold the next series in person.  If attending in person hinders your opportunity to participate, contact Dawn at

Interested in more information? Contact:

Dawn Bussert

Women's Ministry Director
(847) 825-5507 x123


Thrive Women's Ministry Event Questionnaire
Please help us better serve the women in our church and community by answering the following questions. Thank you so much for your input!

Click here to fill out the survey


Lyrics of Life - A Psalm for Every Situation

We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through.
In this video series, Lisa Harper teaches from the book of Psalms looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. Over these six weeks, we'll learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

RegistER HERE!

South Park Church
1330 S. Courtland Avenue | Park Ridge, IL 60068 | 847.825.5507

